Hello to all of you!

Now that the big LAN has been announced, here is the announcement for the tournaments:
Of course, as every year, there will be League of Legends
In FPS, there will be (for the pleasure of all, I hope) Valorant and CS:GO.
And let's not forget a returning player, Rocket League in 3v3.
And to finish, a novelty: a PolyGaming tournament! For more info on this tournament, click on this link => https://polylan.ch/polygaming.

As every year, our event would not exist without the staffs. If you are a fan of video games or just interested in seeing the backstage of our LAN, join us!
For more information about staffing or registration, it's here
=> https://polylan.ch/evenement/staff

For any other question, please contact us and we will answer you with pleasure.

See you in LAN


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